Qosil, Ltd is a Foreign Subsidy of GeniusCo Support Services, LLC - USA

Vendor Timesheet

This vendor timesheet is provided by Qosil in order for you to enter your time according to the tickets that appear inside of either our work management system in JIRA or in our customer support System inside of the Qosil portal.  

1. Enter the Time Period

Please start by entering the time period for which this time is referenced to. For each time entry that you make.

2. Your Vendor Number

Please take time to ensure that your vendor number is entered appropriately. If it is not entered appropriately. And then this timesheet will be voided automatically by our internal systems.

3. Create Your Time Entries

It is important that you have a very specific task that you completed during that amount of time. Any time entered without a full description of what the time is for will be rejected without exception.

When you have completed the timesheet appropriately you will receive a confirmation information e-mail of its receipt.


Copyright © 2020 Qosil, LTD
An Asset of The Freedom Nation
A Subsidy of GeniusCo Support Services, LLC

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